Core Change utilizes three Key Sub-Modalities© in a very unique way that you won’t encounter anywhere else, to underpin our Change Adaptability Programme© This programme has been designed explicitly to give you the skills to make the changes that you need to make your current life a success. All of our programmes have been developed to coach and to offer individuals the skills-sets to grow through change, adapt to detours and master new skills for incredible self-empowerment.
The three key sub-modalities that we have masterfully adapted for Core Change, are –
- Core Change Solution Focused Adaptive Hypnotherapy©
- Core Change Art and Play as Change Adaptive©
- Core Change Eye Movement Desensitisation for Rapid Change©
A word about “Change Adaptability”© is a concept that had not only been coined by Core Change Coaching© but is also a measurable process that we have developed unique tools in order to explore.
With our Core Change Adaptability Coaching© Programme you will learn the following –
- New ways of understanding Rapid Fire Changes in your Life;
- New tools and techniques to adapt to Rapid Fire Change in your Life;
- Life-changing Tools and Techniques to shift Trauma-related Events;
- Understanding your own Change Adaptability© Quotient;
- Developing your flexibility muscles to Adapt to Life’s most expected and unexpected Change.
You may be going through relatively normal life changes – such as moving home, starting a new skill, hobby, or job or even going in for a medical procedure or getting connected, engaged or married… all of Life’s changes bring us certain levels of completely normal and acceptable anxiety and apprehension. Some changes are unfortunately thrust upon us on in the most unexpected and traumatic ways.
We have developed a tool-set that you will be able to take with you for Life, and use whenever life throws it’s curve-balls at you.
As a Change Management specialist, Solution-focused Hypnotherapist and the founder of “Core Change Coaching”© and Change Adaptability© Coaching, my primary passion is to help children and families step into the most adaptive, resilient and creative part of themselves, to flex into life’s expected and unexpected challenges, with greater ease and joy.
This requires newfound tools to turn those fears into feathers, and those tears into canvasses for new exploration… and possibly even ultimately back into tears of joy!
If you’re experiencing Change in any form… whether expected or unexpected.. we are here to help You! Life’s battles can seem very lonely, but with the right kind of support, skills and tools for Change, you may find yourself surprisingly sailing along with life’s curves and curve-balls with greater ease and resilience.
~ Lynda Gibson ~
So now that you have a little more understanding about Core Change Coaching© and our Change Adaptability© as a process and concept, please see our uniquely designed and hand-picked Sub-Modalities below, to assist you in unlocking your new tomorrow –

Welcome to the Core Change Adaptive Hypnotherapy© Programme! We hope and trust you will benefit immensely from your experience of this Core Change Programme.
- Core Change Coaching© focuses on the use of certain solution-focused Adaptive Hypnotherapy tools that have been uniquely designed around the Core Change Coaching© methodology and the Core Change owned and terminology copyrighted concept of “Change Adaptability”©. We at Core Change believe that all humans have a Change Adaptability© quotient and skillset. It is inherent. It is yours. It already exists! You simply have to enhance your existing skills and learn some new unique tools, techniques and methods to unlock and enhance your personal “Change Adaptability” Quotient. Take our Core Change Adaptability Quotient Survey right now to see how “Change Adaptive”© you are today!
- Most of us were ‘schooled’ into certain thinking, doing and behaving styles from a very early age.. as handed down to us by previous generations, previous societal structures and our existing cultures and some old-school thinking thrown in for good measure! We are living in the time that Socrates described when he said, “We don’t destroy the old, we build the new.” We are not here to spend too much time on the problems, we simply want to identify them (correctly) and this may require some expertise, before moving on to some incredible skills and tools to help you unlock your personal “Change Adaptability” Quotient. We may never have been given the opportunity to ‘quantify’ and ‘acknowledged’ our existing unique skills base as children, to cope with and adapt to ever-pressing (and often) traumatic change. But this phenomenal Core Change Coaching© methodology with our tools, techniques and sub-sets of tools and techniques, is guaranteed here to help YOU achieve positive and rapid change. Today.
- Rather than focusing long on the ‘event’, ‘problem’ or ‘trauma’, this approach centres around incredibly effective self-empowering tools and methods towards ‘the solution’.
- Human beings are currently evolving into the “Homo Luminous” version of ourselves. Core Change is here to help. Humans are incredibly creative, resilient, flexible and have phenomenal sensory awareness (this may need some expert facilitation coaching to help bring it to our attention), but once you are on your way, we can assure you, you won’t be looking back! With Core Change Coaching© by your side, you are going to unlock numerous skills and talents that you previously felt sitting just beneath the surface of our consciousness. Using practical strategies and techniques, the Core Change Solution-focused Adaptive Hypnotherapy© looks to inspire effective change in a relatively short period of time.
- Once your initial 6 Step (BASIC) or 10 Step (ADVANCED) Adaptive Hypnotherapy as Personal Genius Session series is completed, you will be offered an additional “Self-managed Step”© Session whereby you will be taught certain Adaptive Hypnotherapy methods (you will choose one of the two modalities on offer), in order to further self-develop your self-artistry and self-mastery in a personal self-development capacity. Important: This gives all Core Change Art and Play© Coaching clients the opportunity to take advantage of new playful personal empowerment skills taught on this and our other unique Change Adaptability© programmes (see also our links Core Change Solution Adaptive Hypnotherapy and Core Change Eye Movement Desensitisation for Rapid Change) into the everyday aspect of your personal lifestyle and living. Giving the participant the opportunity to self-moderate experiences as and when they occur, whether the Coach is readily at hand, or not.

Welcome to the Core Change Art & Play as Change Adapative© Programme! We hope and trust you will benefit immensely from your experience of this Core Change Programme.
- Core Change utilizes the unique Core Change Art & Play as Personal Genius Programme© method and its various creative processes of visualization, imagery, and art in a unique fun and playful format, to ensure that solutions-focused Change Adaptive© practices and methods become well and truly embedded through the natural human process of “Art and Play”. All humans are naturally playful and are naturally uniquely artistic in some form or another, even although society may have taught us from a young age that we are not. With the right encouragement the art of creative play is quite possible for anyone. Please take a look for an upcoming Core Change Creative Play© Event or Retreat to strengthen your personal artistry and playfully adaptive skills. Core Change Creative Play© may also involve some somatic experiencing to help participants relax with ease into their most playful self. Take this Survey to discover your Personal Creative Genius process and core ability.
- Once your initial 6 Step (BASIC) or 10 Step (ADVANCED) Art and Play as Personal Genius Session series is completed, you will be offered an additional “Self-managed Step” © Session whereby you will be taught certain Art and or Play methods (you will choose one of the two modalities on offer), in order to further self-develop your self-artistry and self-mastery in a personal self-development capacity. Important: This gives all Core Change Art and Play© Coaching clients the opportunity to take advantage of new playful personal empowerment skills taught on this and our other unique Change Adaptability© programmes (see also our links Core Change Solution Adaptive Hypnotherapy and Core Change Eye Movement Desensitisation for Rapid Change) into the everyday aspect of your personal lifestyle and living. Giving the participant the opportunity to self-moderate experiences as and when they occur, whether the Coach is readily at hand, or not.

- Core Change utilizes it’s own uniquely adaptive method of the highly effective practice of rapid eye movement desensitization (EMDR) to assist clients who may have deeper seated or even traumatic experiences which are more deeply embedded and require additional methods to reprocess the event or trauma for a more successful life-style. What’s more, at Core Change we believe in Self-Empowerment, and so therefore YOU will have the opportunity, through a Self-managed Step” in our process to be taught how to apply this modality on a personal level. All initial activities, processes and techniques will be managed directly via an experienced Core Change Coach or Facilitator.
- Once your initial 6 Step (BASIC) or 10 Step (ADVANCED) Session se is completed, you will be offered an Additional “Self-managed Step” Session whereby you will be taught certain methods as the Core Change EMDR Programme© Coaching participant, to further apply this modality in the comfort of your own home and privacy. Important: This give all Core Change clients the opportunity to take advantage of new personal empowerment skills taught on this and our other programmes (see also our links Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and Art and Play as Therapy) into a practical everyday aspect of lifestyle and living. Giving the participant the opportunity to self-moderate experiences as and when they occur, whether the Coach is readily at hand, or not. Take this Quick Survey to discover how Trauma-Sensitive you are right now!